Don’t throw out that Jack O'lantern.
The Regional District of Central Okanagan is reminding households how to properly dispose of pumpkins after Halloween.
Option number one is to throw it in your backyard compost.
"Pumpkins are great to add to your composter because they’re high in nitrogen. If you cut them into small pieces and add some fall leaves, they will break down much faster than leaving them whole,” says RDCO waste reduction facilitator Rae Stewart.
“By next spring, you’ll have a great nutrient-rich soil amendment to add to your garden or lawn,” she adds.
If you don’t have backyard compost, you can place your pumpkins in your curbside yard waste cart for your next pickup. Check your online Living Greener Calendar, the Recycle Coach app, or rdco.com/recycle for cart pick-up schedules in your area.
Or consider adding them to your menu.
Pumpkins can be roasted, sauteed or used in baking and they are a rich source of potassium and protein. Make sure to check them for debris or damage before cooking them up.
Another post-Halloween tip from the RDCO waste reduction office; don’t throw away candy wrappers. While they can’t go in your blue cart, they can be returned to a recycling depot as part of the flexible packaging recycling program.

RDCO urges people to compost, recycle or eat their Halloween pumpkins - Kelowna News - Castanet.net
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